Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Goblin Valley (again)

We visited Goblin Valley a week or so ago. We also hiked Little Wild Horse Canyon again. Absolutely breathtaking. Best hike I've ever been on.This is aftermath of all the flash flooding we saw a couple weeks ago- there was a ton of dried mud. I loved how it looked. In fact, I am using the above image as my debit card. I can't wait for my new debit card to arrive!

Below is all in Little Wild Horse Canyon.

Wildflowers along Skyline Drive

We spent the weekend in Sanpete County. We took an ATV ride up to Skyline drive. Maybe it's been the especially wet, cool spring, but the wildflowers up there were absolutely incredible. I have never seen wildflowers in that quantity before. It truly was amazing.
That white blob is snow!!! Snow in July! There was actually quite a bit of it up there. It is 11,000 feet above sea level, so it's to be expected.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Here is a sparrow we took care of.

When we found it, it was covered in ants, and its' nestmate was dead. This is the day after we found him:

And this is the 11th day we took care of him- just after we took this photo, we took him to a wildlife center so they could teach him to be wild.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I got to hold and cuddle and photograph a sweet baby boy today. His name is Xander, and I am in love with him.

Here's a taste of how gorgeous he is.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Venus and the Moon

On Feb. 27th, Venus and the moon were extremely close together. The best viewing time happened to be during M's birthday party, so we paused the video games to go outside and look at the spectacle. This is what we saw.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009