I was supposed to take some action shots for a photography class I'm taking, and then in class, we learned about laying and adding color. This was the result.
As a side note, I think these public skate parks are such a great idea. Back in the olden days, when I was a teenager, there was only one place with STUFF to skateboard on. It was expensive to go to, and if you didn't happen to live nearby, distance was an issue. I've noticed these skate parks popping up everywhere.
My eager to please photography volunteers loved having a place to go to, and felt like it kept kids out of trouble. Though, to quote one, "Skateboarding is worse than weed. Once you start, you are addicted, and it's all you can think or talk about."
While that may be true, I think it's better for a teenager to be addicted to skateboarding than to sit around and play videogames all day. Or worse, smoke actual weed.